Walleye Fishing at Fisherman's Cove on Lac Seul
Exceptional fishing in the future.
Working together to maintain the exceptional angling we have all enjoyed at Fisherman's Cove...
Fact: Female walleyes produce 23,000 eggs per pound of body weight when mature. Only 1% survive to fingerling size, and even less go on to become adult spawning fish.
Fact: Approximately 1/2 of Lac Seul's 18" female walleyes are not mature spawning fish.
Fact: Angling efforts have nearly doubled in the last 10 years.
Therefore, because of these facts, we feel that to do our part to maintain the exceptional angling opportunities, now and for the future, it makes good sense to adjust the fish harvesting practices at Fisherman's Cove. Starting in 2007, we as well as most other Lac Seul camps, will implement the following practice:
WALLEYES over 18" will no longer be filleted
This practice will allow the angling opportunities everyone has always enjoyed, while still allowing harvest of surplus fish for consumption. This change in policy will protect more prime spawning walleye, which will hopefully ensure a strong and healthy fishery for years to come.